Tag: people

  • Sorry – not sorry

    Today is July 4th, a holiday in the USA, and a day off for many people who live here. I was shopping at a big box store this morning and at checkout the person ahead of me told the cashier – I am sorry you have to work today. If that was a sincere pity,…

  • Manage your expectations!

    I was looking for a cheap shogi (Japanese chess) as a starter set to learning how to play. I found nice looking plastic one on Amazon for about $20. I looked at the reviews and I do not know why I still become surprised by some of the expectations people describe in their reviews. For…

  • Will we face the Apocalypse on Friday, 2012-12-21?

    Based on various prophecies from around the World there supposed to be some sort of major global event happening on Friday, December 21st. Whiles many call for the end of the world – the Apocalypse, others call for the return of Jesus – Messiah. If anything is to happen, these would be my guesses:

  • Being sanitary. … I guess that’s the end of that.

    Yesterday I was at the toilet at work. A coworker came in, did his business in one of the stalls and simply walked out. No washing hand or at the least pretend to do so, like some of my other co-worker. Yes, I can tell the difference. When you turn on and off the water…

  • Fireworks! Oh no, not again!

    The idiot morons in my neighborhood are already starting with the fireworks. WTF?! It’s only July 1st! There are 3 days left before I have to endure the random and unnecessary thumping of fireworks. Which, the previously mentions idiots, last year were setting off randomly throughout the night for a month after July 4th. When…

  • Get of the phone asshole, your sons are about to drown.

    Amanda and I spend last weekend at Kalahari resorts’ Wisconsin location. In their indoors park they have a lazy river, the dept of which varies from 1 foot and 9 inches to little over 3 feet, and at places the current is actually fast. As Amanda and I were floating down the river we came…

  • Kill an American! – What is an American?

    This I came across and I find too good not to share with others. Apparently some moron in Pakistan, had a reward offer published in a newspaper. His offer extended to anyone who kills an American. Any American! To that an Australian dentist wrote a little description of what an American is, to make it…