History of Titan Fusion

A brief timeline of TitanFusion.net. How it was started out of desire to own a domain and became a place to post about opinions and sharing thoughts and experience.

February 2001

The beginning – on February 13th TitanFusion.net is registered out of desire to not only own a domain name, but to also understand how domains, websites, and email work.

2001 – 2003

The website is hosted on a dedicated web server, and undergoes several iterations build using Microsoft Front Page and PHP. It is primarily used for personal email.


WordPress is installed and Titan Fusion – Alexandar Tzanov’s personal web log is born. It started as a place to post opinions, and a way to journal.

I would like to mention that until his death in 2015, Alex King was a big influence on what plugins, themes, and features were used on Titan Fusion.

2009 – 2013

The P2 theme becomes available for everyone to use. TitanFusion.net’s WordPress version is converted to a multi-site instance. The P2 theme was used at tweets.titnafusion.net, an instance used for micro-blogging and a path to be independent from Twitter. The micro-blogging instance was sunset in 2013 and a portion of the posts were migrated to the main blog, under the Microblog category.


Regular blogging had taken a back seat and with only handful of post in the last few years, thanks to Twitter, the blog is migrated to Google’s Blogger service to alleviate the cost of hosting, managing a WordPress website, and to dedicate personal time to other projects.


The seven years blogging dry spell is over. TitanFusion.net moves to Microsoft Azure, and the blog returns to WordPress.