Category: Uncategorized

  • SPAM it’s everywhere!

    SPAM it’s everywhere, Stupid People Annoying Menace. It is such nonsense, waist of time and waist of bandwidth. Tonight I was SPAMed by one of my friends, because his friends were doing it to him. So, he thought it would be a good idea, and instead of breaking the chain, to add another link. This…

  • Protected: Veterans’ Day

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • My word of inspiration.

    My word of inspiration to the -(MP)- Clan from earlier today: to Victory We had our first scrim after last FAL season. It was against -|[FxR]|-, and surprisingly -(MP)- got pummeled. We lost both rounds due to the lack of moral and action on our part. This is something that the clan has to seriously…

  • Blog Update!

    I have made number of changed to my blog, and I have alos added some more plug ins. I have added blogtimes. A plug in which show at what time, in a period of twenty four hours, entries where made in the last thirty days. After the times are acquired the plug in generates a…

  • New haircut, new looks!

    Today I had a meeting with an old friend of mine, who I have not seen in about a year. It was great to see her again. She looked really good, just like always! Due to some complications with her health, her boss, and some new laws implemented by the U.S. Customs, she had quit…

  • Presidential poll.

    Heh, after talking to hand-full of people I know a little bit better than others, about the presidential elections, I told them that Bush will win, no matter what! The reasons are very complex, and only some people, who understand fraternal and secret organization as well as history and politics, would agree with me. I…

  • Site and Blog additions.

    In the last few days I have been messing around with the code and different hacks/plug-ins for WordPress. Some of the things I have added to the blog are print post option. It can be seen on the right at the end of every entry. I have also added a poll and search word highlighting.…

  • I got the skills.

    After working on the house for Habitat for Humanity on Tuesday, I now know how to put up dry wall. To add this to my other house building skills and I can pretty much build my own house. I know how to lay concrete, wire electric, telephone and cable. I have been painting almost every…

  • Traction. WT hell is that?

    I am watching the news right now, and earlier they had a “Weather Quiz”. The question was “What adds more traction?”. The three answers were: a) more snow; b) sand; c) water; Now, I know that after the quiz there will be something useful they are going to present to the viewers, but I just…

  • Masonic Habitat for Humanity

    Today from 8:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M I will be working with the Masonic Habitat for Humanity. I have not done this before, but I think it will be interesting and also good experience. I am not sure what I will be doing. I do not even know if we will be fixing up an…