Year: 2005

  • Missing DVDs

    On-line DVD rentals – I do not know if you have heard of this or have been a member. It was started by NetFlix years ago. The way it works is you have a monthly subscription fee and you can rent as many DVDs as you can watch and return in a month. You can…

  • A day off. Yay!!

    Whoa. I have not written anything here in more than a week, and I have hand full of topics to write about. I do have a reason for being MIA. I have been working some weird hours this week. For example I went to work yesterday morning, I started at 10 AM I did not…

  • Drop your pants … cough. Again!

    Tonight I had a drug test and a physical done. I had to laugh about a question on the form for the physical. It asked if I am or have been exposed to vapors/fumes (gas). The reason I laughed about it is because I am. Dang, every time I step outside my house I am…

  • Funniest license plate I have seen to date!

    I was on my way home yesterday afternoon after meeting up with some one for the day when I saw a pretty weird license plate on someone’s car. It is here that I should say I like to entertain myself, while I am in the car, by looking for custom plates on people’s cars and…

  • Gorgeous Weather Today.

    The weather here today is absolutely gorgeous. It is sunny and hot. I was able to go out and walk in the neighborhood without the need to wear a jacket or a hat. It is great! I have not been able to do that in weeks. I went to get a newspaper earlier, and I…

  • Oh Boy! What a joy!!!

    Whoever said that the most expensive state is New York needs a swift kick in the head! I just returned from a DMV office, which here by the way is called Vehicle Facility. I had to shed $143.00 to register my car and receive new plates and one year registration sticker for them. I also…

  • Hobbes’ sex escape!

    HAHAHHA, this is so funny. One of the -(MP)- clan members had a little unexpected displeasing pleasure event last night. Damn some weird people out there! But what am I saying? I spend enough time on the NET and out with people from all sorts of social classes and walks of life, I should know…

  • Another golden moment for TV and the country’s scientist.

    During the noon news today, once again I was informed of something obvious, which someone spent money on just to prove what we have known for a really long time. It was just another news announcement on TV with its double purpose! This one informed me that some scientists in Milwaukee have found that the…

  • About yourself.

    This is one of the more creative and excellently written self descriptions I have ever come across.

  • What a night!

    I walked in Blockbuster to pick up a movie for tonight. When I was checking out the little one gives me attitude. I am like: fine, it is not like it is the first time she has done that. She does it every damn time I am in there. I walk out and guess what…