Oh Boy! What a joy!!!

Oh Boy What A Joy 2005.03.01

Whoever said that the most expensive state is New York needs a swift kick in the head!

I just returned from a DMV office, which here by the way is called Vehicle Facility. I had to shed $143.00 to register my car and receive new plates and one year registration sticker for them. I also had to pay $37.50 for a city sticker, which is only valid till the end of June, 2005. I would have had to pay taxes on my car in addition to the above, if I had not bought it from out of state and I was not using it as my personal vehicle.

All of this is kind of expensive, but the whole process when smooth and fast. I am thankful for that. Yesterday I went to the bank and took care of business there, today I when and took care of my car situation. Now it is all good, two things off the list. Two or three left to do before I have to start a new one. That by the way is a long term list, not a daily to-do one!

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