Category: Archive

  • Gmail Notifier 0.4

    There was a new version release of the GMail extension for FireFox today. I tried upgrading mine through that Mozilla update application but I received some error. Like usual the Mozilla update server is generating errors and out of sync. :mad:Ahhh Grrrr:mad: I just had to go to the author’s web site and download the…

  • Hoa, long but interesting day.

    Today was a long day. I got up at about 8 o’clock this morning to unload a generator with Brad from Lori’s car. After that I went to bed for about forty minutes or so got up again and readied myself for the day. At around noon Brad and I took Justice to his basketball…

  • A small website addition.

    Here is something I did but forgot to post a news update about. I updated my website with a Writings section. On that page you will be able to find the tutorials and essays I have written. Maybe in the future I will expend the materials on that section to other writings. For example, every…

  • FireFox Adventures Begin.

    I decided every once in a while to write about my experience with the FireFox browser. The FireFox Adventures category will hold my entries about the browser. The same entries will be made in the blog I am provided with on the Spread FireFox website. So, without any further a due, here is my first…

  • eBay Ad Lists Manhattan Judge for Sale

    The eBay Ad Lists Manhattan Judge for Sale article is one heck of a story. It goes to show that people will do anything to win or out of despair. Yet, I am going to praise this artist’s creativity and unique attempt to help herself and to improve her situation. Although I am pretty sure…

  • Wishes’ Circle.

    This was supposed to be a short post about how wonderful I felt for a moment when I looked outside my window and saw the slowly falling snow. Instead, thanks to my sarcasm and twisted sense of humor, it turned into what it is now. I could go on and on with the story brining…

  • Wow, fun weekend.

    Wow, this weekend was pretty good and interesting. I cannot remember what I did during the day and why I was feeling the way I did, but Friday night I did not really feel like doing anything or going anywhere. But, I had no desire what so ever to stay home either, so as in…

  • Don’t be a prick!

    Damn it I am so tired of seeing and reading of one person calling another a noob. It is so stupid. Does not matter what it is about. Everyone has started from the same place, same position, with ZERO clue, ZERO knowledge about whatever the subject where one person calls another a noob. For example…

  • Migrating HLDS Linux server from WON to STEAM.

    I found this tutorial in my back-ups from the old Clan MP website I had designed. This tutorial I wrote shortly after Valve released the Half-Life Steam Dedicated Server, but it never made it to the new web site. Now I am including it on my web site, simply because it is a more appropriate…

  • Got electricity?

    Well, last night we lost electricity. It seemed like the whole town of West Seneca had lost electricity. It was dark every where, both Justice and Digger were freaking out! The power went out at around 7:30 P.M., it came back on around 9:30 or so. But that didn’t last for long. It was on…