Year: 2012

  • Will we face the Apocalypse on Friday, 2012-12-21?

    Based on various prophecies from around the World there supposed to be some sort of major global event happening on Friday, December 21st. Whiles many call for the end of the world – the Apocalypse, others call for the return of Jesus – Messiah. If anything is to happen, these would be my guesses:

  • How To Split a Phone Number [PERL]

    Phone numbers, as we know, are most commonly made of three elements (area code) prefix-number. If your program or a script has to process phone numbers some times it is useful to separate the three elements and store them in separate variables. Below I will show you how you can achieve this in Perl using…

  • Do Address All of My Questions … In the Same Reply, Please!

    Multi-point messages: messages which might address multiple points or ask more than one question in the same body of text. I am positive that people do not lack in their mental capacity! So, why is it that they are incapable of reading an email message in its entirety? Even if they actually read everything, why…

  • Extraterrestrials and Us. Homo Sapiens are screwed

    I watched Skyline couple of nights ago, again. A great film, by the way! As I was watching it I realized who screwed we, Homo Sapiens, are as a species. We are screwed, because we fancy ourselves as being intelligent and smart, yet we do not really have any form of a viable defense against any extra terrestrial invasion. Just think about it – if an alien…

  • Humongous snowflakes

    I have NEVER seen such big snowflakes. They are the size of tree leaves. They are big enough to box with them!

  • The great Google / experiment

    I have decided to conduct an experiment on my website A very involved experiment.  I am going to see how many aspects email, blogs, sub-sites, files, feeds, exc. can be hosted and served by Google services, be they independent or part of Google Apps. I have already been using Google Apps Mail and Feedburner…