Year: 2023

  • Best financial advice?

    Someone I follow on Twitter asked – what is the best financial advice you have received? I do not think I can say that I have one specific example I can answer with. I do have several different examples I would consider good guiding principles for saving money.

  • How much to get someone interested in Star Trek?

    The answer to that question is $6. That is how much it cost me to get my teenage son interested in Star Trek. Now I only have to ask him if he wants to watch Star Trek with me to get an affirmative answer. For a long time, I could not get him to sit…

  • Morning walk memento

    This pink evening primrose is a wonderful memento from my morning walk with Dallas.

  • 65 – enjoying a movie without expectations

    65 – enjoying a movie without expectations

    The family and I went to see the new Adam Driver movie – 65. My family did not know what the movie was about. As far as me, from what the trailer showed, I knew that Adam Driver was in it, seemed like it was Sci-Fi, and there were dinosaurs. So, I definitely was going…

  • How to factory reset Sony Internet TV?

    If you have an old Sony Internet TV, one of the very first collaborations between a TV manufacturer and Google, and you want to factory reset it – follow the steps below. I decided to resent mine, because the apps on it stopped working long time ago and it stopped syncing with my Google account…

  • So long Surface 3 … for now

    My Surface 3 LTE tablet stopped working. In particular – the storage chip appears to have failed. It will be hard to fix this problem.