Category: Entertainment

  • Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

    I am watching the Nintendo Direct presentation and there is new Legend of Zelda game coming out in September. Not a remake, not a remaster, but a brand-new game. I can hardly get through the trailer. I am just yelling – when and shut up and take money.

  • Fixing Fallout 4 constant crashing on Xbox

    Both my son and I play Fallout 4 on the same Xbox One S. For years we have been suffering short play sessions caused by the game crashing and being set back hours because of game save files becoming corrupted/obsolete. Well, we finally figured out the problem, and after fixing it we can now play…

  • Candle: The Power of the Flame on the Nintendo Switch

    I bought the game Candle: The Power of the Flame for the Nintendo Switch. It is a puzzle platformer. The game itself is beautiful, and while I am still in the beginning, I am enjoying it. My only complaint is that the text size in the speech bubbles is so small I can barely read…

  • Asteroid City

    Just got back from seeing Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City. The movie in one word – AWESOME!

  • How much to get someone interested in Star Trek?

    The answer to that question is $6. That is how much it cost me to get my teenage son interested in Star Trek. Now I only have to ask him if he wants to watch Star Trek with me to get an affirmative answer. For a long time, I could not get him to sit…

  • 65 – enjoying a movie without expectations

    65 – enjoying a movie without expectations

    The family and I went to see the new Adam Driver movie – 65. My family did not know what the movie was about. As far as me, from what the trailer showed, I knew that Adam Driver was in it, seemed like it was Sci-Fi, and there were dinosaurs. So, I definitely was going…

  • My Theories about Raised by Wolves

    After finishing the sixth episode in season 2 of Raised by Wolves – The Tree, I have some theories on what might be going one. So far everything has been a collection of mysteries and exploration. But, after seeing how the sea creatures interacted with Tempest and her baby, the result of contact with a…

  • Valve being bought by Google. Please say it isn’t so.

    Valve being bought by Google! That is a horrible thought, but there are number of web sites which are reporting this. Here are a few links: I decided to send Valve a quick email, and I think that everyone that is agains this happenign should do as well. Good morning, TechCrunch and TheInquirer are reporting…

  • Half-Life 2 held hostage? – PC News at GameSpot

    Recently VALVe made an announcement about the first RC (release client) of the heavily anticipated Half-Life 2 game. The company said that they have submitted a RC to Vivendi Universal (VU) publishing company for review. If the client is approved, then the game will go gold*. Meaning VU will begin the process of reproducing the…