Author: Alexandar Tzanov

  • Balloon Flowers of 2014

    We have Balloon Flowers (platycodon grandiflorus) in a half barrow pot. They are one of my favorite flowers that we have around the house. Simply because of how the flower forms. It starts as a small ball, which slowly grows into the shape of a hot air balloon, and once it opens it looks like…

  • Backyard Garden – May 28th, 2014

    The weather is finally “stabilizing” to where the temperature is more consistent and higher, like it should be for this time of the year. Also it is not raining every single day, or hailing, like it has in the last few weeks. So now the flowers are starting to come out and they look really…

  • Basic HTML5 Template

    The Basic HTML5 Template is perfect for testing code snippets. Its purpose is to save you time from having to code a new template every time you want to start working on a new script or test some other code sample. It is just the very basics, and it only supports modern browsers. I am…

  • How to protect wp-login.php using .htaccess and .htpasswd?

    If you own or maintain a WordPress based web site you might or might not be aware that the wp-login.php page in your root directory, and the wp-admin directory are under constant attacks by malicious bots. This tutorial will show you how to password protect the wp-login.php file through the use of .htaccess and .htpasswd.…

  • Task list when setting up a new web server. [LAMP]

    This is my to-do list when preparing to deploy a new web server. Majority of the time I use Ubuntu as the operating system, though I have used Fedora and CentOS in the pass. I also manage RedHat Enterprise Linux servers at work. These tasks are mainly for a web server. Setting up just a…

  • The 2014 Yahoo Autos Car of the Year

    Yahoo Autos has chosen the Porsche Cayman 2014 as the Best Sports Car. Though stating that a price tag of $100,000 keeps the Cayman S too expensive for most, Yahoo Autos does praise the PDK gearbox and superior handling.

  • How to setup Coda 2 to push to GitHub?

    Setting up a new site in Coda 2 and cloning a GitHub remote repository is not that big of a deal. Where you will most likely run into problems is when you try to push your changes to the GitHub remote repository. Below I will show you how to update the Git config file in…

  • Source Code DNA, a repository/library for code snippets in JS, PHP, Perl, C/C++ and Objective-C

    I have started a new section on Titan Fusion, specifically for programming. I have named it Source Code DNA. I am going to use it just as library/repository for various snippets of code, e.g. classes, functions, small scripts. At this time I am going to limit the content to the following languages: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3,…

  • How to use array element references inside query strings? [PHP]

    Using braces “{ }”, i.e. curly parentheses, will make your life very easy. The braces will allow you to use complex variable expressions inside strings. This is called complex (curly) syntax. In other words you are encapsulating your variable call structure so it is parsed by PHP before continuing with the string. If you are…

  • How to retain SEO when switching domains or URL structure

    If you ever move your website to a new domain and you are also chaning the URL structure of you web site it is not enough just to place a domain redirect form the old domain! You will have to update the .htaccess file at your new domain’s web root directory to avoid 404 errors…