Month: November 2008

  • GoDaddy discount lacks the discount. It’s OK though.

    Last week I was contacted by a GoDaddy company representative by the name of Logan, who provided me with a list of my expiring domains  until the end of the year, informed me that he has been assigned to my account and can offer me a discount. I responded to him by asking for more…

  • I was right! Buy Yahoo stock.

    Last week I tweeted that Yahoo’s stock was at $10 per share and it was time to buy. Comments on my tweet said that it is pointless to do so. As I was on my way to New York, I wasn’t able to provide a response to the comments. With today’s reports about Yahoo’s CEO,…

  • Skype and broadband result in happiness.

    Last night, after 10 years, I was able to see my dad live. Thanks to broadband being available, and most of all more affordable, my dad and I were arable to have a video session via Skype. Last time I saw my dad was at the Sofia airport in Bulgaria in August of 1998. Since…

  • No smoking for you! Not in this car.

    Recently Amanda and I went car shopping. Now that Alexandar is growing bigger and we are planing on having a family expansion we needed something other than the Jeep. So, we went looking at minivans. After looking at the 5th minivan I was becoming more and more bored of the activity and pretty much all…

  • Veterans Day – November 11

    Today November 11 is Veterans Day. You can find more information on the VA web site, and if you would like to read the history of Veterans Day. There are variety of veterans’ charities and organizations you can support and become a member of.

  • Listening to classical music helps me stay sane … patience is a virtue!

    Listening to classical music helps me stay sane. Especially when THE LACK of daylight, the bland presence of gray cubicle walls, passive aggressive BS and the cold stare, back at me, of two 17 inches monitors make their oppression painfully obvious. Luckily I’m not easily bothered by my environment, because I realize and understand cause…