New design coming up.

I have finally started working on a new theme design for my web site, which I will apply through WordPress. I have decided to call the theme Ruby Red. I like the red color, and my web site used to be in red before I upgraded WP to 1.5. The Ruby Red theme will only apply to pages other than my blog. That way the blog will appear to be completely separate section of the web site.

Right now I am just using a basic layout. There are no bells and whistles, nothing fancy. It is all set up just enough so it will provide the site content and still be able to display it as if it was separate from the blog. The reason why am doing that is through WP I will be able to manage the content a lot quicker and easier. Other wise I will have to create a separate SQL database, populate it and do all kinds of other things. Right now my time is occupied by other elements, thus I am taking a shortcut and integrating my web site with WP. As a result WP becomes my CMS (content management system).

Let’s just see what comes out of my work. It is all an experiment. If it workers out – good, I will continue to use it and customize it. If it does not, I will just have to make everything separate as I had it before. There is no reason why it should not work. I have seen it done on many other web sites, which utilize WordPress as CMS.

Once I am done with the theme design, I will start work on a home page. I already have the layout sketched in my mind. After that, I will just have to play with the .htaccess configuration to have the home page display and not the blog page. Once that is done, I am in business. Woooo Hoooo

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