Tag: Useful Sites

  • What is the point behind a URL shortening service? Why are there so many?

    What is the point behind a URL shortening service? In essence, why is everyone using them and why are there so many? These were questions asked on TechCrunch, yesterday, by Ronald Tin, but not in so many words. My reply to him was as follow: Ronald, the point of a URL shortening service is to…

  • Waste Management – You are doing it wrong!

    My house is serviced by Waste Management. A company, supposedly, on the forefront of thinking green and working to recycle and minimize pollution. Well, I can tell you guys that you are doing it wrong! I don’t know if this is standard procedure, but I for sure know that other companies, which offer recycling, don’t…

  • Helicopter birthday cake

    Now that’s a cool birthday cake, if not the best birthday cake ever. This cake is shaped like a helicopter and it has a functioning rotor. It’s not a cake like the ones you see created by professional cake creators/designers on the Food Network’s Cake Challenge show, but it’s a cake that everyone can make…

  • Domain Record Info

    I wanted a way to quickly view the record information on a domain, but I did not want anyone tracking domains I look up. Or like some bad registrars, have any possible domain I look up end up as registered thanks to the ICANN grace period and overpriced registrars trying to extort money before selling…

  • Which will it be?

    I have been using Twitter for a long time. It is at the top of the micro-blogging structure. I also use Jaiku and Pownce, but I think that Tumblr has something to offer, something to compete with against the rest of them. I would say Pownce comes the closes, as far as features, when compared…