Tag: PHP

  • Task list when setting up a new web server. [LAMP]

    This is my to-do list when preparing to deploy a new web server. Majority of the time I use Ubuntu as the operating system, though I have used Fedora and CentOS in the pass. I also manage RedHat Enterprise Linux servers at work. These tasks are mainly for a web server. Setting up just a…

  • How to use array element references inside query strings? [PHP]

    Using braces “{ }”, i.e. curly parentheses, will make your life very easy. The braces will allow you to use complex variable expressions inside strings. This is called complex (curly) syntax. In other words you are encapsulating your variable call structure so it is parsed by PHP before continuing with the string. If you are…

  • How to automatically redirect between HTTP and HTTPS [PHP]

    Using HTTPS allows for secure and encrypted communication between your web site and the visitor’s browser. Sometimes the transition doesn’t happen automatically so we need to enforce that secure communication between the server and the client, e.g. when using a shopping cart. One way to automatically switch from HTTP to HTTPS, using php, is a…