Tag: JavaScript

  • How to redirect to WWW using JavaScript?

    Redirecting to a sub-domain, like “WWW” or another one, can be a choice or a way to solve a problem. Below is a way to do so using vanilla JavaScript, but before just performing a redirect we need to factor in items like protocol, navigation path, query strings, anchors (hash), and site environment. Let’s look…

  • Format a number as US currency [JavaScript]

    A recent project I worked on allowed customers to request cloud computing resources. One of the requirements was to display the cost for each resource amount and the totals for one and two years for the resources the customer was requesting. In the United States, numbers are formatted with a period for the decimal mark…

  • Format MAC Address [JavaScript]

    I am currently working on a project which will allow users to register their Wi-Fi enabled, non-web browser enabled, devices on the network. These are devices like printers, Apple TV, and Xbox*. One of the data points that have to be collected from the user is the device MAC address. The project customer wants that…

  • Validate Email Address [JavaScript]

    The following is a quick and dirty way to validate form input, using JavaScript, from a user to confirm that they are entering a value, which could be interpreted as an email address. The function below is meant to quickly and simply ensure that the value provided by the user contains the at ‘@’ symbol and a…

  • Function: checkboxLimiter [JavaScript]

    The checkboxLimiter function will disable all checkboxes, which share common value for the name attribute after the user has checked a pre-set number of them. The limit number is set in the function source to avoid inconsistency if adding the onChange function call inline of the page source. This does not matter if you are using event…