Google releases new Page Creator

Thanks to Digg I found out that Google has entered the web hosting/personal space arena. That of course is not counting Blogger.

The Page Creator‘s interface is all in AJAX, just like GMail and most everything on the Internet with a smart and creative web designer behind it. This makes creating very decent pages a breeze. The creator uses a WYSIWYG editor, and it also come with over 40 page templates. Just like with Blogger, the templates can be applied instantaneously, all the user has to worry about is the content.

The user is provider with 100 MB of storage space, which can be used to upload and store variety of file. This, I am sure, will change in the future, either prior or when the service leaves its beta. Which by the way seems to be the hip Web 2.0 name for everything new or old, thanks to no other but Google. The company started the “beta” craze when they released GMail to the public. I suppose in the future Google will offer more space and number of other options that now-a-day’s web hosts offer for a monthly fee.

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