It is so nice to swim.

I went to Vel’s work place around noon today. He works as a repairman for an apartment complex. A huge apartment complex, consisting of five twelve or so levels interconnected buildings. He called me over to work on couple of his computers and while being there make use of the swimming pool and gym of the apartment complex.

I worked on the computers, but I was able to improve only one of them. I upgraded some of the software on it. The second computer was kaput! Vel said he will throw it out. I told him before he does that to give it to me so I can take some parts out of it. Things like the hard drive, if its size is worthy, couple of fans and the CPU’s heat syncs and maybe the CPU and the power supply.

The swimming pool was heated so the water was just like bathwater, awesome. I left my swim trunks and gym close in New York when I left so i would not have been able to enjoy either pleaser today, unless I had borrowed some shorts from Vel. I mussed out on the workout. It is OK, though. It has not been that long since I had a good workout. On the other hand, I have not had a chance to swim in few years, so I end up swimming for about 35 or so minutes. It was great, especially after being outside where the temperature was five degrees Fahrenheit. The pool was heated!:cool:

It was so nice to spend some time soaking in the water and just swimming around. The heated water was a nice surprise, also. I have not swum in a heated pool before, so that was nice. I think the warm water makes you somewhat lazy, because your body is not cold so you are not too eager to swim a lot to keep warm.

There was a sauna and a jacuzzi there as well, but I did not use either one of the. The water in the jacuzzi was running, but it was acquiring somewhat of a greenish color. Vel said the guy who maintains it was not around, and the jacuzzi itself was plugged somewhere in the pipes. Aberrantly the administration was not planning to spend the money on fixing the problem any time soon. LoL For the first 25 minutes I had the swimming hall to myself, but then some guy came in. First he hoped in the nasty jacuzzi. 😕 Then he relocated himself to the sauna, which I did not use either. I was not going in there with him in it, and I did not plan on waiting for him to come out.

The day was good. I really enjoyed the swim!:grin:

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