Tag: The Titan

  • How awesome is my future husband?

    Oh, let me count the cells… Tonight, Alex bought me an early birthday present, (My birthday is Feb. 27th), an awesome present. Let me give some background before I disclose what it is. When Alex and I first met, we had a few problems with going over minutes on our cellphones. I had T-mobile and…

  • Me, Myself and I in the year of our Lord 2005.

    Short but Sweet Exactly one year ago I packed up my bags and moved from Buffalo, NY to Chicago, IL. Three weeks latter started a full time job, mostly on, but with plenty off, if that makes any sense. Three months later I met my then girlfriend and now fiance. Then came the move into…

  • Jobs I have worked

    In the next lines I will tell you about the jobs I have held over the years. I will have the titles then I will have a short description of the job, followed by a story or few, if I have any to share. Few things to keep in mind: The layout will not be…

  • anika’s words of wisdom

    As short as this post might be, I feel the need to share the following with everyone. I love this, and I should learn from it, especially knowing how gloomy my personality some times tends to be and the excessive lack of sense of humor I posses. The following quote I found in the AIM…

  • Protected: Veterans’ Day

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.