Tag: Critic’s Realm

  • WordPress plugins – why not share them.

    The WordPress community is vast. WordPress is one of the major blog CMS on the Internet. I very much enjoy browsing the Web and whenever I come across a blog, I find interesting, I tend to check, or at leased attempt to, what plugins are used on the blog. Anyone, who is familiar with the…

  • Comcast gets owned by the FCC. Well, sort of.

    Another win for Net Neutrality. Today it was reported that the FCC “disciplined” Crap…Comcast for their violation of their customers basic write to access information on the Internet. I say disciplined, because Comcast was not punished via a financial burden. They were just told “you were bad. Don’t do it again. Fix it.”. It is…

  • Waste Management – You are doing it wrong!

    My house is serviced by Waste Management. A company, supposedly, on the forefront of thinking green and working to recycle and minimize pollution. Well, I can tell you guys that you are doing it wrong! I don’t know if this is standard procedure, but I for sure know that other companies, which offer recycling, don’t…

  • I very much dislike scrapers!

    I just spend 15 minutes blocking splogs and scraper IPs for jutiagroup.com. It is a pain in the rear. I have to spend time sorting through comments, that are marked as SPAM, to make sure there aren’t any good ones. Almost always they are bad, and 99% of the time they are trackbacks from scraper…

  • FOX News, you over dramatizing, panic spreading liars.

    FOX News really needs to get new writers, because like always FOX is full of it.!. FOX News announcement of the earthquake in Illinois was “A powerful 5.2 magnitude earthquake in central Illinois sends skyscrapers swaying in Chicago.”. WTF FOX? I live 5 minutes from downtown, pretty much everyone in Chicago did NOT know that…

  • ColonelTribune

    ColonelTribune (ColonelTribune) is now following your updates on Twitter. Check out ColonelTribune’s profile here: http://twitter.com/ColonelTribune I wonder why is the Chicago Tribune linking to so many twitterers! Is the newspaper tracking down locals on Twitter trying to gain back some of its readers, because the newspaper industry is dying and more and more readers/subscribers are…

  • Way to go Microsoft!

    I was going through old emails in my email inbox and I found an old event promo email from Microsoft. The email was about the Microsoft Connections Event for Small Businesses held in Lincolnshire. What was funny about it was that the event was from 8 AM to 12 PM on the day I received…


    Vote, Vote, Vote Illinois. Do NOT forget to VOTE!!!

  • Tweetmeme – is it worth your time?

    I am looking at tweetmeme.com. A twitter.com tracker. 1? – what exactly is the point of a twitter tracker? By the way, there are a lot of them out there (just keep scrolling). I mean, you see on tweetmeme.com what you see on twitter.com. The only useful functionality, I see, is its ability to sort…

  • Edwards worried by Pakistan

    LOL J. Edwards. LOL Tonight NBC News showed portions of an interview with John Edwards. The QnA that they decided to show was his answer to the question – What is the one country in the world that worries you? His answers was “Pakistan”. He is worried by Pakistan and president Musharraf, because the situation…